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Project Penang


Europe’s Sexiest Cities

What makes a city sexy? It's a quality that transcends the mere physical beauty of its inhabitants. We are talking about those special places that make you feel incredibly alive, where you shrug off the drab clothes of everyday experience almost as soon as you touch down.

That lightness of being does, it is true, often lead to thoughts about romance, and our sexy cities certainly have, shall we say, something of a reputation. Paris (in the springtime, of course) seems particularly good at macaroon-like affairs that are forgotten almost as soon as they are over; Sydney, bursting with buffed beach bodies, is just the spot for a bit of narcissistic nookie; Istanbul is all about the thrilling coming together of east and west.

  1. Rome – Spanish Steps, gladiators, romantic art, and, not to mention, plentiful Italian men, help put this city on top of the sexy list.
  2. Bath – I’ve been to Bath, England, and have to say, I did not find it very sexy. Although, it was quite romantic with its Roman Baths and Jane Austen-era architecture.
  3. London – You can’t go wrong with Shakespeare and his romantic plays, and, of course, sexy British accents.
  4. Berlin – Smoking in bars? Not sexy. Staying up all night dancing, very sexy!
  5. Paris – Who needs the Eiffel Tower or French kissing? Let’s face it, a croissant is sexy in Paris.
  6. St. Petersburg – The cold, cold winters encourage lots of cuddling and vodka drinking, what’s not sexy about that?
  7. Seville – Spanish flamenco dancing and late-night tapas bars keep this city steaming all year long.
  8. Stockholm – Home of beautiful waterways, IKEA, and ABBA. Sexy? Obviously.
copied from web.

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法国一位年轻的媒体大亨巴拉昂,以推销装饰肖像画起家,在不到10年的时间里迅速跻身于法国50大富豪之列,1998年因前列腺癌在法国博比尼医院去世。临终前,他留下遗嘱,把他4.6 亿法郎的股份捐献给博比尼医院用于前列腺癌的研究,另有100万法郎作为奖金,奖给揭开穷人之谜的人。









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没钱? 那就别想找女朋友了,别再幻想着什么纯洁无暇爱情了。当你憋着小嘴愤愤不平诅咒分手女友的无情时,那只能说明你无能,懒惰加小人,离开你是明智的选择。







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Weekends @Homestay by Project Penang

Last weekend, Project Penang with the co-operation from MOTOUR Penang, organised a very memorable event called Weekends @Homestay ~ Malay Traditional Wedding Experiences. The homestay is at Sg. Setar, Nibong Tebal, Penang. You can get further info at here.

This is an 2-days event, which start with a Kompang troupe (Malay traditional drum) to welcome us. Once reached, we start with a very nice & delicious Malay style luncheon at one of the Homestay at Sg Setar. While waiting for the luncheon, you can see there are many villagers are helping together to prepare the lunch for us. You will hardly see such spirit in city area.

Due to my schedule that I need to attend other function at night, I had missed out many excited moment with the villagers for the preparation of the next day wedding ceremony. Need to clarify that the bridegroom & bride is just for acting, they are not really get married on that day. Anyway, both of them are really enjoy the moment.

Early the next morning, I went to the village again to attend the "Wedding ceremony" of my friend who is the bride. When I reached, I saw more Makcik (aunty) are there starting to prepare food for lunch and it like the whole villager are there to help. What make me impress is that, the wedding ceremony is just a fake but each of them treat it so seriously and it like the real one. Every detail of the traditional wedding ceremony are taking care seriously & so real. Another thing is that, the hospitality of each villager are so warm & it just like your relative or brother & sister. You will not feel that you are alone or been ignored.

After we took our breakfast, everyone is busy for each job & duties. We back to our room to get dress & ready for the ceremony. The ceremony start with the bridegroom accompany by kompang troupe, bicycle troupe & many so called relative, walk to bride's house for the ceremony. You can enjoy the fun from below video clip.

You can see part of the ceremony at the video clip at top of this post. After the 1st part of it ceremony, it's now the turn of people who would like give blessing to the bridegroom & bride.

That is my 1st time follow through the whole Malay traditional wedding ceremony, it gave me lot of experience & understanding about the culture of Malay people. If you ever have any chance to attend their wedding, try to enjoy yourself with such great experience that you may got.

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